Stephanie Hanes Journalism
In the U.S. I have focused on stories that explore social, cultural and family dynamics, as well as environmental and policy issues facing rural and urban areas alike. See some of my recent work from the Christian Science Monitor here:
How Baltimore is saving urban trees - and its city
With concern growing about climate change and rapid worldwide urbanization, city forests have emerged as one widely touted solution to a host of social and environmental challenges. Yet at the same time, the U.S. Forest Service, which in the past decade has also upped its focus on urban forests, has found that American cities are losing trees – and quickly.
The new "cool" cities for Millennials
Searching for "authenticity," Millennials flock to cities that were shunned in the past, such as Baltimore and Detroit. But what are they really finding there?
America's child care crisis
It's expensive, unregulated and all too often unavailable. How American parents are finding new ways to survive the child care juggle.
Toddlers to Tweens: relearning how to play
Children's play is threatened, say experts who advise that kids – from toddlers to tweens – should be relearning how to play. Roughhousing and fantasy feed development.
Targeting guns to reduce violent crime
A new law enforcement strategy takes hold under the radar of the gun control debate: Targeting guns and their users is seen as surest way to reduce violent crime